Re: рановато для подведения итогов
[re: katbirali]
many russians do not even know their own cities name and where they are located.How many russians know who is a kabardinian or cherkess etc.For russians africa is a country not a continent.When i say i am Indian russians immediately think and ask am i a buddhist i say i am a hindu many russians do not know that Indian is a citizenship not a ethnic race.All russians can think of is a centralized monoethnic state like russians have occupied lands and russianised people and killed the culture of other people.
Russians do not know what is democracy and a federal state where different people can live together maintaining their culture language etc.
Allthough ur country is called russian federation there is nolthing federative in it it is just an empire occupied by the russians whose GK is very poor .
So Ms.Evgeniya do not tell lies.u russians are as backward as africans.